2017-06-09Consultants for Impact assessment (Smhi)
The purpose of this procurement is to sign Framework Agreements with suppliers which have relevant experience and good knowledge of impact assement of exposure to air pollutants which have large health impact and related costs effects.
Purpose/Aim of the Tender.
The purpose of this procurement is to sign Framework Agreements with suppliers which have relevant experience and good knowledge of impact assement of exposure to air pollutants which have large health impact and related costs effects.
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:NILUSTOCKHOLMS STAD
2017-06-09Consultants for Dispersion modeling in air on a regional/global scale (Smhi)
The purpose of this procurement is to sign Agreements with suppliers which have relevant experience and good knowledge of dispersion modelling in air on a regional/global scale.
Purpose/Aim of the Tender.
The purpose of this procurement is to sign Framework Agreements with suppliers which have relevant experience and good knowledge of dispersion modelling in air on a regional/global scale.
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:NILURamböll Sverige AB