2022-03-24Defect, CD and overlay inspection tool (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan)
Purpose of procurement
KTH is seeking tenders for Defect, CD and overlay inspection tool
The purpose of the procurement is to acquire a semi-automatic equipment based on optical microscopy for measurements of critical dimensions and overlay on patterned wafers as well as well as automatic scanning of wafers (patterned and non-patterned) for defect detection and classification. The tool will be placed in the Electrum Laboratory clean room in a multi-user environment with research and fabrication. It is …
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Bergman Labora AB
2022-02-16Spinning Disk (Karolinska Institutet)
Invitation to tender
Karolinska Institutet, hereinafter called KI, invites companies, hereinafter called Tenderers, to submit tenders concerning a Spinning-Disk (SD) microscope for the Biomedicum Imaging Core (BIC) at the Karolinska Institutet.
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Bergman Labora AB
2022-02-11Slide-seq system (Göteborgs universitet)
The procurement
The group of Prof. Andrei Chagin from the Department of Medicine at the University of Gothenburg asks for a confocal system compatible to communicate and synchronize with MATLAB-controlled devices. The confocal system will be a part of Slide-seq system for spatial transcriptomics where various reactions are performed on chip, scanned and thereafter next reactions are processed and scanned in automatic mode. The system requires fast scan capabilities of large areas and multiple lasers to …
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Bergman Labora AB
2020-03-27Confocal Microscope (Lunds universitet)
The confocal microscope has several areas of use with in the research area of acoustofluidics. In the typical experiment, fluorescent particles or cells that are freely suspended in water are observed inside microfluidic chambers. These chambers are typically 100 μm to 300 μm deep and they are sealed by a glass lid of a thickness ranging from 0.17 mm to 1.1 mm. Since sound will be applied in these devices, the objective cannot be in contact with the chip using immersion fluids.
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Bergman Labora AB
2018-07-30Inverted Automated Fluorescence Microscope (Lunds universitet)
The supplier undertakes to supply to Lund University an inverted automated fluorescence microscope, including all details such as (but not limited to) cables, power adapters, contrast components and licences required for the functions listed in the procurement document and specifications.
The delivery also includes training, documentation, warranty and option for a service contract.
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Bergman Labora AB
2017-03-21(UHPLC) Instrument till MIUN (Mittuniversitetet)
Mittuniversitetet inbjuder till anbudsgivning av – Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) Instrument med Trippelkvadrupol-detektor för analys av små till medelstora molekyler.
Mittuniversitetet förbehåller sig rätten att göra specifika upphandlingar för eventuella projekt som inte omfattas av detta avtal och med specifika behov. Mittuniversitetet budgeterar cirka 2 300 000 SEK för denna utrustning inkl. tillbehör och tjänster.
Mittuniversitetet avser att teckna kontrakt med en leverantör …
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Bergman Labora AB
2015-10-26Reflective illumination microscope (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan)
The Spatial Transcriptomics group at the Science for Life Laboratory is seeking a microscope system for serving as a research tool for method development and optimization of technology. The system needs to be compatible with non-transparent chips for both bright-field images and fluorescent images of attached tissue sections. It also need to contain image stitching technology.
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Bergman Labora AB
2013-11-25Upprätt Konfokalmikroskop (Göteborgs universitet)
Göteborgs universitet inbjuder till anbudsgivning avseende Upprätt Konfokalmikroskop.
Beskrivning av efterfrågad utrustning:
Ett kompakt upprätt konfokalmikroskop som klarar av att läsa flera typer av prover. Mikroskopet kommer vara placerat i normal laboratoriemiljö och ska användas för forskning av biomaterial på cellulär och molekylär nivå. Efterfrågad utrustning avser även tillbehör samt ett serviceåtagande.
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Bergman Labora AB
2013-05-07Invitation to tender for confocal microscopes (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan)
The School of Technology and Health at KTH and the Department of Biosciences and Medical Nutrition at Karolinska Institutet are currently setting up a joint technical platform for high resolution light microscopy. Therefore STH will acquire three microscopes. The aim is to provide research groups within STH and KI with imaging expertise and the most advanced light microscopy technologies for live cells there is.
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Bergman Labora AB