Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar av Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
2015-12-07Framework Agreement for Audit Services Cambodia (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency)
The Embassy of Sweden in Phnom Penh Invites tenders regarding.
Framework Agreement for Audit Serives.
The Embassy intends to enter into contract with one (1) auditing company to assist the Embassy in the following areas:
— To undertake audits of projects and programmes in a timely and professional manner according to international standards.
— To undertake reviews of internal control and institutional assessments of recipients or potential recipients of Swedish funds.
— To build internal capacity …
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2015-06-23Short-term Technical Assistance to GEDEFOR II (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency)
The Programme assisted local communes in setting up and implementing communal land development schemes and forests management plans. The program implementation emphasized the development of specific actions on the basis of local priorities, in response to local problems and in keeping with local potential. Investment in training and skills development is believed to have enhanced the capacity of the communities to identify their needs and make their own decisions. In preparing land development schemes …
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2014-11-07Tjänster till kurser inom resursbasprogram/resursbasutveckling (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency)
Denna upphandling omfattar ramavtal för tjänster inom resursbasutveckling. Sida ska stödja verksamhet för att öka antalet kvalificerade svenskar inom det multilaterala, regionala och bilaterala biståndet genom särskilda program för tjänstgöring vid multilaterala organisationer, internationella organisationer och EU-institutioner, samt genom utbildningsprogram inom Sidas fältverksamhet. Sida ska dessutom stödja program för yngre personer inom ramen för högskoleutbildning samt inom myndigheter, …
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2014-06-03Strategisk kommunikationsrådgivning (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency)
Uppdraget avser konsultstöd för rådgivning och genomförande av strategiskt kommunikationsarbete. Stödet omfattar intern och extern kommunikation som del av myndighetens kärnverksamhet, men också Sidas uppdrag att bedriva öppenhets- och kommunikationsarbete för hela det svenska biståndet.
Sida är upphandlande myndighet, men även svenska utlandsmyndigheter har rätt att avropa från ramavtalet, liksom Folke Bernadotteakademin.
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2014-01-31Technical Assistance to support the Ministry of Education, Kosovo (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency)
Technology of the Republic Kosovo in the implementation of the administrative reform, including the new organizational structure, in the set-up of its Human Resource Management and Development functions, improvement of Financial Management and in the establishment of a Monitoring and Evaluation system in the Education Sector, including Municipal Education Departments and schools, supported by the Development Partners through the Education Sector Pooled Fund (ESPF).
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