Delivery and erection of Steel structures, Cladding and Roofs at new Waste Incineration Plant at Bristaverket, Märsta, Sweden

Brista 2 KB (AB Fortum samägt med Stockholm stad)

Prequalification of delivery and erection of Steel structures, Cladding and Roofs at new Waste Incineration Plant at Bristaverket, Märsta, Sigtuna, Sweden.
Lot B3.1 Steel structure to be erected at Flue Gas Treatment Building, Bunker and Reception Hall, Turbine Building, Bottom & Fly Ash Buildings, Skywalk & Access Tower, Pipe Racks, Warehouse, DH-Pump House, Cooling Circuit Building.
Lot B4.1 Cladding and Roofs to be executed at Boiler Building, Flue Gas Treatment Building, Bunker and Reception Hall, Turbine Building, Bottom & Fly Ash Buildings, Skywalk & Access Tower, Pipe Racks, Warehouse, DH-Pump House, Cooling Circuit Building. The steel structure at the Boiler Building is delivered and erected by others.
Your are allowed to express your interested for Lot B3.1 and/or B4.1. Preferably on both.

Sista ansökningsdag
Tidsfristen för mottagande av anbud var 2011-10-27. Upphandlingen offentliggjordes den 2011-09-26.




Datum Dokument
2011-09-26 Meddelande om upphandling