AUV-system with under-ice going capacity
The University of Gothenburg invites you to submit a tender for AUV-system with under-ice going capacity
As part of establishing a national core facility for marine research, the Swedish Mobile Underwater System Tools project (MUST, intends to purchase an AUV designed to meet the special challenges described here. A general description of the mission types envisaged for the AUV is provided in Appendix. The AUV shall primarily be used for diverse and as of now non-routine missions in the polar oceans, including surveying of bathymetry, ice, sub-seafloor sediment structures and measuring hydrographic and environmental parameters in the water column in open water and ice covered waters, under sea ice, and below floating glaciers fringing the large ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland. The missions require the AUV to be depth rated to at least 2 000 m, and to be equipped with sufficient energy supply to support long missions. The missions performed with the AUV will have a wide and variable scientific focus. Therefore, the AUV shall have a modular design, allowing to complement a standard set of payload sensors by mission-specific payload sensors. MUST is also purchasing a system designed for Launch And Recovery (LAR) of the AUV from research vessels. The AUV, the LAR system (LARS), and all hardware necessary for launch and recovery and basic repair in the field should be integrated and delivered in a 10 or 20 ft transport container. MUST is also purchasing a control container (CU) in which all necessary hardware and systems for communication, mission planning, and navigation is integrated. The CU and the transport / LAR container may be integrated into 1 single container.
Sista ansökningsdag
Tidsfristen för mottagande av anbud var 2016-04-27.
Upphandlingen offentliggjordes den 2016-02-29.
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