External auditor

Vattenfall AB

Subject of the contract is the audit of financial information of Vattenfall AB and its subsidiaries to be carried out by authorized auditors in accordance with the applicable generally accepted auditing standards as specified in the following:
1. Audit of the annual accounts of Vattenfall AB which are prepared in accordance with Annual Accounts Act and the generally accepted accounting principles in Sweden;
2. Audit of the consolidated accounts of Vattenfall AB which are prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the EU and the Annual Accounts Act;
3. Audit of the statutory administration report of Vattenfall AB;
4. Audit of the Corporate Governance Statement of Vattenfall AB;
5. Review interim financial information of Vattenfall AB per June 30 (condensed balance sheet and the related summary of income, changes in equity and cash flows);
6. Audit of (consolidated) annual accounts of Vattenfall AB’s subsidiaries (subject to legal audit requirement) in different countries in Europe prepared in accordance with the legal requirements effective in the respective legislations, administration reports and other legally required elements.
The contract will be awarded for a duration of 1 year with 3 possible annual prolongations.

Sista ansökningsdag
Tidsfristen för mottagande av anbud var 2011-10-06. Upphandlingen offentliggjordes den 2011-09-05.




Datum Dokument
2011-09-05 Meddelande om upphandling
2012-01-19 Meddelande om tilldelning