Leverantör: DKT International

En arkiverad upphandling

Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar där leverantören DKT International nämns

2018-07-18   Access SRHR! Improving Demand, Availability and Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Products in sub-Saharan Africa (Sida)
The Contract, with one supplier, includes providing a social marketing program in Sub-Saharan Africa that entails a comprehensive mix of sexual and reproductive health commodities and devices and related services. The expected impact of the program is to contribute progress towards universal sexual and reproductive health and rights (SDGs 3.1, 3.3, 3.7, 5.6) by increasing women and girls’ bodily autonomy through providing them with possibilities to make their own fertility choices, and by providing … Visa upphandlingen »
Nämnda leverantörer: DKT International