Leverantör: Azimuth Marketing Communications

En arkiverad upphandling

Historiskt sett har konkurrerande anbudsgivare varit Aviareps AG, Interface Tourism och PEP Consulting.

Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar där leverantören Azimuth Marketing Communications nämns

2013-08-07   Consultant for corporate meetings and incentives for 1. Germany 2. Great Britain 3. France 4. Benelux (Belgium,... (Stockholm Business Region AB)
The procurement comprises four sub areas in respect of consultants for corporate meetings and incentives and meeting planners with end customers in Stockholm. Among other things, the assignment includes the identification and booking of visits with agents and meeting planners at companies in four main geographical areas. The 4 areas are: 1. Germany 2. United Kingdom 3. France 4. Benelux (Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg) Further information about the assignments content is provided in section 3 … Visa upphandlingen »
Nämnda leverantörer: Aviareps AG Azimuth Marketing Communications Interface Tourism PEP Consulting