Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar av industriskorstenar i Sverige
2018-11-01P3 + P8 Bypass (Stockholm Exergi AB)
In short:
Boiler 6 at the Högdalen plant is a CFB-boiler (circulating fluidized bed) fired with industrial waste consisting of paper, plastics and wood. The boiler is a 91,2 MWth steam boiler, steam quality 59 bar(g), 480C. The project consists of dismantling the existing flue gas reheater including surrounding flue gas duct and replacing it with a new GFRP/GRP duct (approx. 4,7 m long) with a boundary layer corrosion resistant to the boiler’s flue gas.
The flue gas reheater is placed after …
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2012-02-17Ny panncentral HVC Sjulhamre (Ljusdal Energi AB)
Ljusdal Energi AB avser att komplettera sin nuvarande produktionsanläggning med en ny panncentral för biobränslen (träflis och skogsavfall) 10 MW. I nuläget produceras hetvatten till fjärrvärmenätet med en befintlig fastbränsleeldad panna om 12 MW.
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