2023-05-04Simulator Training Hours for Flight Crews on Airbus Helicopters H145 (Region Värmland)
The County Council of Värmland (Region Värmland) performs this procurement on behalf of Swedish Air Ambulans (Svensk Luftambulans), henceforth referred to as "SLA".
SLA is and organisation carrying out Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) in parts of Sweden.
The object for the procurement is simulator training hours for pilot crews on Airbus Helicopters H145 for the entire organisation. SLA shall have the option to also hire training instructors as well as examiners for the students.
The …
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Coptersafety Ltd
2023-02-03Profilprodukter 2023 (Östra Göinge kommun)
Upphandlingen avser profilprodukter för successiva avrop under avtalstiden. Upphandlingen genomförs som en samordnad upphandling mellan Östra Göinge kommun, Osby kommun, Bromölla kommun, Hörby kommun och Höörs kommun, där Östra Göinge agerar som Inköpscentral enligt LOU för samtliga kommuner och bolag.
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Voky AB
2022-01-03Low-Speed Aerial Target Traning Services (Försvarsmakten)
This procurement comprises a complete solution for Low-Speed Aerial Target Training Services (ATTS) for Surface-To-Air (STA) and Air-To-Air (ATA) military training. A complete solution for ATTS includes, but not limited to, planning and coordination of ATTS operations, training and education, aircrafts, pilots, target towing equipment such as winches and towing cables, targets (sleeves), Miss Distance Indicator (MDI) systems, scoring stations and spares so no shortage occur during an ATTS operation. The …
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2021-12-20Framework agreement NH90 FFS Training Services (FMV)
Framework agreement for offering Full flight simulator services for the Swedish NH90 Helicopter (Helikopter 14). The procurement of the framework agreement contains services and hours for flight sim
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2020-12-18Special Tools (Kommunalförbundet Svenskt Ambulansflyg)
The procurement covers special tools necessary for maintenance, service and repair of KSA’s aircraft PC-24 that are manufactured by Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. However, special tools can also be supplied by other suppliers. Other tools can also be purchased under this frame agreement. The frame agreement will be signed with one (1) supplier per product group.
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2020-11-25Basic Trainer Aircraft (BTA) System (FMV)
The Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) flight school is in need of a new basic Military Flying Training System. SwAF foresees that the new system is based on products/services as a complete system including; Basic Trainer Aircraft (BTA), synthetic training devices, computer based training, survival equipment, maintenance, spare parts, training courses and support. The idea with the Basic Trainer Aircraft is Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) aircraft without separate solution.
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2020-11-25Procurement of Low-Speed Aerial Target Training Services (Försvarsmakten)
The Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) hereby invites your company to submit a Tender in the SwAF’s procurement of Low-Speed Aerial Target Training Services (ATTS) under the conditions stated in enclosed documents.
This procurement is carried out as an open procedure accordingly to the Swedish Public Procurement Act (2016:1145). The procurement procedure implies that tenders will be evaluated and accepted without prior negotiation. It is therefore of the utmost importance that stated requirements and fixed …
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2020-11-13UAV/Target Drone Launcher System (Swedish Defence Materiel Administration)
To meet future requirements FMV has decided to procure a new UAV/Target Drone Launcher System to be used at FMV Test and Evaluation test ranges, primarly at Vidsel Test Range. The launcher system needs to support different UAV types and be mobile, easy to transport, maintain, store, set up, control and use for all its purposes.
The Swedish FMV Missile Test Range at Vidsel is the largest test area in Western Europe above land for air-to-air and ground-to-air missile testing. The test area is situated in …
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2020-05-05Helikopter (Linköpings kommun)
Linköpings Kommun inbjuder ert företag att lämna anbud i offentlig upphandling av ett avtal med en (1) leverantör avseende leverans av en Helikopter för flygtekniker utbildnings ändamål för Anders Ljungstedts Gymnasiet i Linköpings kommun.. Samtliga villkor för avrop/beställning är fastställda i avtalet.
Anbud ska lämnas i enlighet med de villkor som framgår av förfrågningsunderlaget.
Anbudsgivning, bevakning av nuvarande inklusive kommande upphandlingar och avtal är en kostnadsfri tjänst för …
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Autotech i Boden AB
2020-04-08Basic Trainer Aircraft Systems (Försvarets materielverk)
The Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) flight school is in need of a new basic military flying training system.
SwAF foresees that the new system is based on products/services as a complete system including: basic trainer aircraft (BTA), synthetic training devices, part task trainer, computer based training, mission planning system, mission debriefing system, survival equipment, maintenance, spare parts, training courses and support. The idea with the basic trainer aircraft is commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) …
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2019-10-09Upphandling av helikoptertrafik i Stockholms skärgård under vintersäsong (Stockholms läns landsting, Trafiknämnden)
Uppdraget omfattar transport av passagerare som är fastboende på öar utan kollektiv båttrafik från ön till enligt nedan definierade kommuncentra, under den perioden som skärgården är isbelagd. Periodens längd är helt beroende på isläget i skärgården och varför Waxholmsbolaget meddelar leverantören när trafiken påbörjas och avslutas.
Dessa kommuncentra avses Värmdö, Stockholm, Österåker, Haninge, Norrtälje, Nynäshamn och Vaxholm.
Trafiknämnden har för avsikt att teckna avtal med en (1) …
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Arlanda Helicopter Aktiebolag
2019-06-26UAS-Systems (Unmanned Air System) National Framework Agreement (Polismyndigheten)
The procurement is conducted by the Swedish Police Authority, registration No 202100-0076 and the Norwegian Police Shared Service, registration No 974 761 157.
This is a joint procurement which intends to procure an agreement for the respective authority.
The procurement is carried out by the Swedish police and will generate an agreement for Swedish police and an agreement for Norwegian police.
Swedish and Norwegian Polis intend to fly the same UAS systems.
The police procure a total solution for three …
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Swedron Sverige AB
2019-05-02Procurement of Product, UAS-System (Unmanned Air System) National Framework Agreement (Polismyndigheten)
The police procure a total solution for three (3) different UAS systems.
Each individual UAS system is procured to meet different needs in police operations.
This is a joint procurement which intends to procure an agreement for the respective authority.
The procurement is carried out by the Swedish police and will generate an agreement for Swedish police and an agreement for Norwegian police.
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2019-04-04Flight Simulator Training for Dash-8 Q-300 Pilots (Kustbevakningen)
The object of the procurement is to sign a one (1) year Framework Agreement regarding flight simulator services for the Swedish Coast Guards Dash-8 Q300 pilots, with the possibility för the Swedish Coast Guard to extend the duration of the agreement for a further three (3) years. The main focus will be on dry-lease of the flight simulator.
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:1. Cae Aviation Training B.V.
2019-03-26Profilprodukter åt Stockholm stad (Stockholms stad, stadsledningskontoret)
Uppdraget innebär att för SLK:s räkning tillhandahålla och distribuera ett sortiment av profilprodukter där
Stadens eller bolagens logotyp syns som tydlig avsändare.
I uppdraget ingår att tillhandahålla diverse profilprodukter såsom exempelvis konferensmaterial,
Väskor/ryggsäckar, paraplyer, konfektyr, nyckelband, pennor, block, påsar, USB-minnen, profilkläder (ej
Arbetskläder) m.m.
Se vidare upphandlingsdokumentet samt tillhörande bilagor.
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2018-11-08Simulator Training Hours for Flight Crews on Airbus Helicopters H145 (Landstinget i Värmland)
Svensk Luftambulans, SLA, has given the County Council of Värmland, (Landstinget i Värmland), the power of attorney to carry out this procurement on their behalf. SLA hereby grants you the opportunity to submit a tender regarding simulator training hours for Pilot Crews on Airbus Helicopters H145 for the SLA Organisation. SLA is an official organisation carrying out Helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) in Värmland (Karlstad), Dalarna (Mora) and Västra Götaland (Gothenburg). SLA Flight Crew …
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Coptersafety Ltd
2018-10-05RFI HUMS AW 139 (Sjöfartsverket)
Request for information (RFI) regarding Health Usage Monitoring System Analysis Service (HUMS) for Leonardo AW 139.
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2018-03-23New Flight Inspection Systems (NFIS) (Luftfartsverket)
Luftfartsverket (LFV) invites suppliers who wish to participate in the negotiated procurement procedure for the supply of the New Flight Inspection Systems. LFV intends to buy two (2) new flight inspection systems.
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2017-12-06Ambulanshelikoptrar (Region Uppsala)
Svensk Luftambulans (SLA), organisationsnummer 222000-3061, upphandlar två (2) fabriksnya ambulanshelikoptrar speciellt anpassade och inredda för ambulansuppdrag. Option på köp av ytterligare upp till åtta (8) stycken ambulanshelikoptrar.
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2017-11-10New Flight Inspection Systems (NFIS) (Luftfartsverket)
Luftfartsverket (LFV) invites suppliers who wish to participate in the negotiated procurement procedure for the supply of the New Flight Inspection Systems. LFV intends to buy two (2) new flight inspection systems.
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2017-08-18Ambulanshelikoptertjänst 2017 (Medicinsk försörjning och hälsovård)
Västra Götalands läns landsting/Västra Götalandsregionen (”VGR”) inbjuder er att lämna anbud avseende Ambulanshelikoptertjänst, enligt vad som närmare anges i förfrågningsunderlag, där den leverantör som tilldelas kontrakt avses ha brukar- och driftansvar för ambulanshelikopter, inklusive piloter, tekniker och teknisk service.
VGR gör bedömningen att Upphandlingen medför att en verksamhetsövergång enligt 6 b § lagen (1982:80) om anställningsskydd (”LAS”) aktualiseras. Vid en sådan verksamhetsövergång …
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Babcock Scandinavian Air Ambulance AB
2017-03-14Cable coils for aicraft stands (Försvarets materielverk)
This procurement concerns the delivery of Cable coils for aircraft stands for the Swedish Defence and includes all accessories, spare parts, exchangeable units and documentation. Please see all the technical requirements in enclosed specifications.
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2016-11-09External referral regarding fixed wing aircraft for ambulance/EMS transport (Landstinget i Uppsala län)
Local authority Swedish Air Ambulance (from now called purchaser) kindly asks for your comments about the enclosed drafts Technical requirements. This is an external referral before the procurement of aircraft for ambulance/EMS is announced.
The purpose of this external referral, is to get information to create a transparent and proportionate specification with the help of the knowledge in the branch of industry.
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2016-02-24Framework agreement for Dry Lease of Helicopter Simulator Gu (FMV)
The Swedish Armed Forces requires a framework agreement for the provision of simulator training for
its Helicopter Gunners.
The framework agreement concerns simulator time rental (dry lease services) for training of helicopter
gunners. The Swedish Armed Forces will with this agreement be entitled to use facilities and training
equipment from the Service suppliers center and will provide their own instructors.
The dry lease of the simulator will supply the need for door gunner training, and the Swedish …
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2015-12-02Ambulanshelikoptertjänst SLL1142 2015 (Stockholms läns landsting)
Upphandling av Ambulanshelikoptertjänst.
Förfrågningsunderlag hämtas från www.upphandling.sll.se
Anbud lämnas via www.upphandling.sll.se
Inga uppgifter eller anbud ska lämnas på https://www.e-avrop.com
Sista dag för att ställa frågor är tio (10) arbetsdagar före anbudstidens utgång.
Därefter kan SLL inte garantera att frågorna besvaras.
Ytterligare upplysningar kan erhållas från Stockholms läns landsting, Monica Prabhakar, e-post: monica.prabhakar@sll.se
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Scandinavian Medicopter AB