2021-04-13   Retrofit CHP Project — Generator Auxiliary Systems (Stockholm Exergi AB)
The overall project objective is to extend the lifetime of the CHP with 25 years, to convert the systems for combustion of bio-oil and to reduce current levels of emissions to air. Original capacities and performance data, such as district heating and electrical production shall be achieved. The generator auxiliary systems generator water cooling, sealing oil and hydrogen was installed in 1976 and shall be updated to fulfil today’s requirements for availability, reliability, safety and automation. The … Visa upphandlingen »
2018-12-21   Provision of a Generator and Power Conversion System (Minesto AB)
Minesto is continuing the development of the Deep Green Technology, by developing a micro grid tidal and ocean current power plant. For the next step we need a generator and power conversion system Visa upphandlingen »
2016-11-30   Overhaul steam turbine/generator G1 Värtaverket, Stockholm (AB Fortum Värme samägt med Stockholms stad)
Pre-qualification to participate the tendering process for turbine G1 KVV1: Turbine and generator data: Turbine: BBC type D3EYTT2i 250 manufactured by STAL LAVAL at licence 1975. — Data: 177 bar/ 535oC. — As district heating turbine 210 MWel/330 MWheat — As condensing turbine 235 MWel. Generator: ASEA Type GTH 1650 GK, manufactured 1975. — Hydrogen cooled. — 16,5 kV — 284 MVA. Visa upphandlingen »
2016-06-30   Nya turbiner till Ålem Energi Kraft AB (Mönsterås kommun)
Härmed inbjuds Ni (Leverantören/Anbudssökande) att lämna anbudsansökan gällande en effektivisering/ombyggnation av det befintliga Skälleryds vattenkraftverk i Alsterån ca 8 km uppströms dess mynning i Östersjön, inom Mönsterås kommun. Visa upphandlingen »
2013-07-01   Major overhauls of both turbine G2 and generator, Värtaverket (AB Fortum Värme samägt med Stockholms stad)
During the summer of 2014 major overhauls of both turbine and generator are planned. ·The G2 steam turbine at Värtan plant is manufactured by ABB Stal, model ETME 56-25, with an electrical output of 120 MW and a district heating output of 205MW. ·The generator model is GTL1530 manufactured by ABB Generation. ·The turboset has been in operation more than 100 000 hours. Visa upphandlingen »