The electronic monitoring system will be used for monitoring of offenders with restraining orders for example in domestic violence cases. Offenders have to comply with electronic monitoring after a decision made by the prosecutor. The prosecutor decides one or more static geographical exclusion zones. These exclusion zones shall be monitored around the clock by the system and the system shall decide if the offender with the dedicated monitoring equipment has offended the exclusion zone. The dedicated monitoring equipment shall be installed on the offender and have functionality for detecting attempts to tamper the monitoring.
Sista ansökningsdag
Tidsfristen för mottagande av anbud var 2018-03-20.
Upphandlingen offentliggjordes den 2018-02-13.
Följande leverantörer nämns i tilldelningsbeslut eller andra upphandlingsdokument:
Objekt Upphandlingens omfattning
Titel: Procurement of electronic monitoring system
Produkter/tjänster: Övervakningssystem📦
Kort beskrivning:
“The electronic monitoring system will be used for monitoring of offenders with restraining orders for example in domestic violence cases. Offenders have to...”
Kort beskrivning
The electronic monitoring system will be used for monitoring of offenders with restraining orders for example in domestic violence cases. Offenders have to comply with electronic monitoring after a decision made by the prosecutor. The prosecutor decides one or more static geographical exclusion zones. These exclusion zones shall be monitored around the clock by the system and the system shall decide if the offender with the dedicated monitoring equipment has offended the exclusion zone. The dedicated monitoring equipment shall be installed on the offender and have functionality for detecting attempts to tamper the monitoring.
Kompletterande information Ursprunglig referens till meddelandet
Nummer på meddelandet i EUT S: 2018/S 032-069440
Ändringar Text som skall rättas i det ursprungliga meddelandet
Avsnittets nummer: IV.2.2)
Gammalt värde
Datum: 2018-03-20 📅
Tid: 23:59
Nytt värde
Datum: 2018-03-30 📅
Tid: 23:59
Text som skall rättas i det ursprungliga meddelandet
Avsnittets nummer: IV.2.7)
Plats för den text som ska ändras: Date
Gammalt värde
Datum: 2018-03-21 📅
Tid: 09:00
Nytt värde
Datum: 2018-04-02 📅
Tid: 09:00
Text som skall rättas i det ursprungliga meddelandet
Avsnittets nummer: I.3
Gammalt värde
Text: Nytt värde
Källa: OJS 2018/S 043-093933 (2018-02-28)
Ytterligare upplysningar (2018-03-22) Objekt Upphandlingens omfattning
Titel: Procurement of Electronic Monitoring System
Ändringar Text som skall rättas i det ursprungliga meddelandet
Avsnittets nummer: IV.2.2)
Plats för den text som ska ändras: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Gammalt värde
Datum: 2018-03-30 📅
Tid: 23:59
Nytt värde
Datum: 2018-04-03 📅
Tid: 23:59
Text som skall rättas i det ursprungliga meddelandet
Avsnittets nummer: IV.2.7)
Plats för den text som ska ändras: Conditions for opening of tenders
Gammalt värde
Datum: 2018-04-02 📅
Tid: 09:00
Nytt värde
Datum: 2018-04-04 📅
Tid: 09:00
Källa: OJS 2018/S 059-130244 (2018-03-22)
Objekt Upphandlingens omfattning
Kort beskrivning:
“The electronic monitoring system will be used for monitoring of offenders with restraining orders for example in domestic violence cases. Offenders have to...”
Kort beskrivning
The electronic monitoring system will be used for monitoring of offenders with restraining orders for example in domestic violence cases. Offenders have to comply with electronic monitoring after a decision made by the prosecutor. The prosecutor decides 1 or more static geographical exclusion zones. These exclusion zones shall be monitored around the clock by the system and the system shall decide if the offender with the dedicated monitoring equipment has offended the exclusion zone. The dedicated monitoring equipment shall be installed on the offender and have functionality for detecting attempts to tamper the monitoring.
Visa mer
Valutakod: SEK 💰
Upphandlingens totala värde (exklusive moms) (lägsta anbud): 7486148.00
Upphandlingens totala värde (exklusive moms) (högsta anbud): 7486148.00
The electronic monitoring system will be used for monitoring of offenders with restraining orders for example in domestic violence cases. Offenders have to comply with electronic monitoring after a decision made by the prosecutor. The prosecutor decides 1 or more static geographical exclusion zones. These exclusion zones shall be monitored around the clock by the system and the system shall decide if the offender with the dedicated monitoring equipment has offended the exclusion zone. The dedicated monitoring equipment shall be installed on the offender and have functionality for detecting attempts to tamper the monitoring.
The monitoring system will be used to support the local police regions in decisions to take action when the offender does not comply with the monitoring. By receiving the alarm messages as required in this specification the present police management system will present the location information during an offence of an exclusion zone or an attempt to manipulate the monitoring equipment. All preparations for a case and monitoring of defined technical alarms will be handled in a regional monitoring central.
Visa mer Kriterier för tilldelning
Kvalitetskriterium (namn): Quality
Kvalitetskriterium (viktning): 30
Pris (korrigeringskoefficient): 70
Information om alternativen
Alternativ ✅
Beskrivning av alternativen: Option to procure additional monitoring units.
Förfarande Typ av förfarande
Öppet förfarande
Information om ramavtal
Upphandlingen innebär att ett ramavtal upprättas
Administrativ information
Tidigare publikation om detta förfarande: 2018/S 032-069440
Tilldelning av kontrakt
Datum för ingående av avtalet: 2018-08-17 📅
Information om anbud
Antal mottagna anbud: 3
Entreprenörens namn och adress
Namn: SuperCom Ltd
Postadress: 11, HaMenofim St, Building B
Postort: Herzliya
Postnummer: 4672562
Land: Israel 🇮🇱
Telefon: +972 98890880📞
Fax: +972 98890814 📠
Region: Sverige🏙️
Entreprenören är ett litet eller medelstort företag ✅ Uppgifter om kontraktets/partiets värde (exklusive moms)
Valutakod: SEK 💰
Lägsta erbjudande: 7486148.00
Högsta bud: 7486148.00
Kompletterande information Granskningsorgan
Namn: Förvaltningsrätten
Postort: Stockholm
Land: Sverige 🇸🇪 Organ med ansvar för medlingsförfaranden
Namn: Används EJ
Postort: Används EJ
Land: Sverige 🇸🇪
Källa: OJS 2018/S 200-454357 (2018-10-15)