Pre-qualification: construction and erection OF A 400 kV overhead power line between Hallsberg–Östansjö and Barkeryd (Sweden) Packages 2-4
Qualification Documents can be downloaded in Link:
OBS! This is a Pre-Qualification. The work comprises manufacturing, construction and installation of the new 400 kV AC power lines, including delivery of all necessary materials. The total length of the line routes is 182 km. The power lines will be divided in four packages and this pre-qulaification regards packages 2, 3 and 4. The 400 kV AC overhead line will substantially be built in the same line routes as an already existing 220 kV AC overhead line. Dismounting of the existing overhead line will be included in the contract.
Procurements for packages 2, 3 and 4 will be performed as three separate procurements. You need to submit 3 pre-qualifications tenders to be able to participate in all 3 procurements/packages.
Find enclosed RFP-documents under "files".
Tender submission, according to ch. 10 in the Qualification Document.
Questions regarding the pre-qualification documents shall be in writing to:
Hans Lundin, Telephone: +46 84758168, E-mail: or.
Thomas Benselfelt, Telephone: +46 84758027, E-mail:
Sista ansökningsdag
Tidsfristen för mottagande av anbud var 2012-10-01.
Upphandlingen offentliggjordes den 2012-08-22.
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