Review of the Forsmark area as a candidate site for a spent nuclear fuel repository in Sweden


This procurement regards conulting services for the Swedish Radiation Safety Authoriy's review of Forsmark area as a candidate site for spent nuclear fuel repository in Sweden. The required consulting services specified here are mainly related to the current properties and the long-term evolution of the bedrock after the sealing of the disposal facility. To some extent, the construction and operation phases of the repository will also be considered. The review effort connected to the Formark site will consider the now completed review of the SKB site characterisation prorgramme (by the Swedish authority's SSM, SKI and SSI). The Forsmark Review has been broken down into the following review topics:
2.1 key consultant for safety assessment integration with focus on bedrock and evolution;
2.2 gorundwater chemistry;
2.3 hydrogeological analysis;
2.4 engineering geology and rock engineering;
2.5 structual geology;
2.6 rock mechanics modelling related to long-term site evolution.
The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) invites you to submit tender for Framework Agreement for Consultant Services during the years 2011 to 2015 in accordance with the enclosed procurement documents. Note! The enquiry documentations can not be requested from the contracting authority. In order to take notice of the enquiry documentations for this tender, click on "notice of interest" in Mercells database. Fill in subsequently your contact information and you will receive password. With the password, you can flexibly go into the contract and bid directly on the web. Click "I want to tender for the contract" for complete documentation. If you are in another advertising database please follow the link: For questions, please contact the support phone: +46 313606029 See also the attached enclosures. Best regards Bo Strmberg.

Sista ansökningsdag
Tidsfristen för mottagande av anbud var 2011-03-28. Upphandlingen offentliggjordes den 2011-02-14.




Datum Dokument
2011-02-14 Meddelande om upphandling
2011-10-05 Meddelande om tilldelning