Leverantör: Women Movement for Sustainable Development (WOMSUD)

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Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar där leverantören Women Movement for Sustainable Development (WOMSUD) nämns

2021-01-18   On-Site Consultant Liberia (Folke Bernadotteakademin)
Consultancy services/Mentorship for Liberia strategy. FBA seeks to identify consultants to be part of a Liberian resource team. Under the direction of FBA, the team will contribute to the successful implementation and follow-up of CPLP and CPLP-CPD. The team will work to ensure that the programs are context-specific, relevant and strategic, in close collaboration with Liberian partners and stakeholders. Visa upphandlingen »
Nämnda leverantörer: Center for Research and Capacity Building (CRAC) Institute for Communiy Development Making Enterprises, Inc Platform for Dialogue and Peace Survival Aid Inc. Women Movement for Sustainable...