Leverantör: Weibel Scientific A/S

2 arkiverade upphandlingar

Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar där leverantören Weibel Scientific A/S nämns

2017-01-20   Radar with Optical Tracking System (Försvarets materielverk)
FMV intends to replace one of its aging radars with a new phased array instrumentation radar system. The new radar system will be placed on FMV's test range in Vidsel and be used primarily to track and provide position data on test objects in order to meet safety, environ-mental and customer requirements on the test range. Test objects include a wide range of missiles, aircrafts, artillery shells, guided and unguided bombs, ships, target drones, tow targets, UAV's etc. Visa upphandlingen »
Nämnda leverantörer: Weibel Scientific A/S