Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar där leverantören MEST Shipyard nämns
2020-02-12Framework Agreement of Onshore Engineering Services, Workshop and Storage — Faroes Islands (Minesto AB)
This ITT is for framework agreement of Onshore Engineering Services in the Faroe Isles to support the operation and maintenance of Minesto’s novel marine energy technology called deep green.
The scope of supply of this framework is divided into 2 lots:
Lot 1: Onshore engineering services;
Lot 2: Workshop and storage area.
Suppliers are welcome to tender for either one or both lots, depending on supply capabilities.
The framework should preferably have prices valid for 2 years, with possibility to …
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:MEST ShipyardS.J.H.Commercial Divers