Leverantör: AEL Data

En arkiverad upphandling

Historiskt sett har konkurrerande anbudsgivare varit BarrierBreak Solutions Private Limited och Technofunda.

Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar där leverantören AEL Data nämns

2018-03-12   EPUB3/Accessible e-book services (Myndigheten för Tillgängliga Medier)
MTM aim to procure production services for accessible e-books in the EPUB3 format. Partner agencies cooperating in this procurement are Celia in Finland, the Norwegian Library of talking books and braille (NLB), Nota in Denmark, the National agency for Special needs education and schools (SPSM) in Sweden and the Swiss library for the blind, visually impaired and print disabled (SBS). Visa upphandlingen »
Nämnda leverantörer: AEL Data BarrierBreak Solutions Private Limited Technofunda