Maintenance Support Components and GSE C-130

Försvarets materielverk

The Swedish Armed Force operates a fleet of six C-130, Swedish military designation Fpl Tp84. The aircraft is operated by the following wing: F7 (Såtenäs). The estimated amount of flight hours for year 2020 is 2200 h. Number of aircraft and flight hours may change over the validity period of this contract due to changes within SwAF. The purpose of this contract is to secure appropriate availability in time, and simplify the order process to supplier. FMV and the Swedish Armed Force (SwAF) hereby appoint the contractor to perform maintenance on Aircraft components and Ground Support Equipment (GSE) and to provide technical assistance to the terms and conditions set forth in this framework agreement.

Sista ansökningsdag
Tidsfristen för mottagande av anbud var 2020-06-21. Upphandlingen offentliggjordes den 2020-05-13.




Datum Dokument
2020-05-13 Meddelande om upphandling