Framework agreement for Dry Lease of Helicopter Simulator Gu
The Swedish Armed Forces requires a framework agreement for the provision of simulator training for
its Helicopter Gunners.
The framework agreement concerns simulator time rental (dry lease services) for training of helicopter
gunners. The Swedish Armed Forces will with this agreement be entitled to use facilities and training
equipment from the Service suppliers center and will provide their own instructors.
The dry lease of the simulator will supply the need for door gunner training, and the Swedish Armed
Forces will perform its own training at the Service suppliers facilities.
The Swedish Armed Forces has the need of approximately 200 hours of dry lease of simulator annually,
observe that this is an estimation and will not be guaranteed by FMV.
Sista ansökningsdag
Tidsfristen för mottagande av anbud var 2016-04-08.
Upphandlingen offentliggjordes den 2016-02-24.
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