Leverantör: Tampere University of Technology

En arkiverad upphandling

Historiskt sett har konkurrerande anbudsgivare varit ADMET Inc, Micromedic AB och World Precision Instruments LLC.

Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar där leverantören Tampere University of Technology nämns

2016-03-03   High-performance microscopic systems with micro- and nano-manipulator (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan)
In the Solid Mechanics laboratory at KTH Royal Institute of Technology experiments involving a wide range of testing methods and materials are planned and conducted. The mechanical properties of complex materials, such as fiber-based products or bio-mechanical materials need to be studied with custom-made equipment that allows precise mechanical loading and at the same time imaging the sample. KTH Solid Mechanics is looking for possible manufacturers of such equipment. Visa upphandlingen »
Nämnda leverantörer: ADMET Inc Micromedic AB Tampere University of Technology World Precision Instruments LLC