2016-03-24Mass spectrometer (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan)
The Royal Institute of Technology invites tenders for a Mass spectrometer that will be used for targeted proteomics applications. The liquid chromatography coupled mass spectrometer will be used to measure peptides from complex trypsin digested protein samples pre-spiked with heavy isotope labelled protein standards in high multiplexes, as well as quality evaluation of protein standards performed in intact protein mode.
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Bruker Daltonics Scandinavia Aktiebolag
2013-11-19MALDI/ESI (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan)
High performance mass spectrometry instrumentation (MS) will be procured to the School for Chemical Science and Engineering, KTH.
The tender must include matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) but should preferably also include electrospray ionization (ESI) in a combined or stand-alone setup.
The instrumentation will mainly be used in frontline research but will also be utilized in the graduate, and undergraduate education.
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Bruker Daltonics Scandinavia Aktiebolag