Offentlig upphandling i Sverige
European Commission, Representation in Sweden
Upphandlingar: European Commission, Representation in Sweden
En arkiverad upphandling
European Commission, Representation in Sweden har historiskt sett varit en köpare av
företagstjänster: lagstiftning, marknadsföring, rådgivning, rekrytering, tryckning och säkerhet
undersöknings- och säkerhetstjänster
Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar av European Commission, Representation in Sweden
An interinstitutional open procedure for the supply of security guard and reception services to the European...
European Commission, Representation in Sweden
The main services required are security and reception services during opening hours of the European Union House; remote surveillance and assistance services during opening hours and outside opening hours in case of emergency and twice daily patrol rounds of the periphery of the building outside opening hours.
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Nämnda leverantörer:
G4S Security Services AB
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Företagstjänster: lagstiftning,...
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