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Bekräftelse: “18/40: Dnr SU-FV-2.2.2-0850-18 Cryo-TEM SciLifeLab SU“
I dag, 07:50
Magnus Calais
Hej Magnus!
Du får detta e-postmeddelande som en bekräftelse på att ditt massbrev har skickats.
Följande brev har skickats:
The dialogue phase is closed.
The procurement continue; ref below.
Nr. 18/81 Title of the procurement Dnr SU-FV-2.2.2-0850-18 CRYO-TEM SciLifeLab Final Invitation and Tender Dossier
Publication title SE-Stockholm: Transmission electron microscope
Reception date 9.11.2018 (16:03).
Notice number in the OJ S 2018/S 218-498587
Visma notice: