Procurement of Confocal microscope and Widefield microscope

Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan

The KTH intends to purchase one automated confocal laser scanning microscope system and one automated widefield microscope system. The purpose is to update our microscope systems, maintain a high throughput capacity and make way for more types of experiments, such as live cell imaging and very high throughput screening assays.
The new microscope systems will be used by the researchers in the Cell Profiling group and by other researchers hosted by the Cell Profiling group as part of its responsibility as a national facility at Science for Life Laboratory.
The budget for this procurement is limited and is maximum 4 000 000 SEK.

Sista ansökningsdag
Tidsfristen för mottagande av anbud var 2017-11-01. Upphandlingen offentliggjordes den 2017-09-28.

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Datum Dokument
2017-09-28 Meddelande om upphandling
2018-01-02 Meddelande om tilldelning