Visitor Registration System & Incident Management System

AB Svenska Spel

CasinoCosmopol AB, wholly owned subsidiary of AB Svenska Spel, intends by this tenderenquiry to procure a Visitor Registration System and an Incident Management System.
The tenderenquiry is divided into two parts; one for the Visitor Registration System andone for the Incident Management System. The tenderer is free to offer one orboth of these systems, however they will be evaluated and procured separately.The systems are put in the same tender enquiry as they to some extent need tocontain the same information and as they need to interact with one another.
The procurementincludes a full system delivery comprising of; installation project, migrationproject, software with updates and upgrades, training for users and system support.Casino Cosmopol intends to sign a three (3) year contract with the option of maximumtwo (2) additional years extension.
Casino Cosmopolis by Swedish law obligated to register and store information relating to allguests visiting our casinos. The Incident Management System is required inorder to handle various incidents taking place at the casinos and in order to fulfilSwedish laws relating to anti money laundering. The incidents will need to belinked to guests logged in the visit system. The current systems Casino Cosmopol use for registeringvisits and incidents are old and lack desired features.
The Visitor Registration System will initially have approximately 40 users and the Incident Management System will have approximately 50 users. The users are located at the fourcasinos.
Casino Cosmopol consists of HQ located in Sundbyberg outside of Stockholmand four Casinos located in the cities of Stockholm, Gteborg, Malm andSundsvall. All core systems are centralized, i.e. they are operated, maintainedand surveyed centrally. Casino Cosmopol moreover uses the same AD, policies andIT-systems as the owner Svenska Spel.
Casino Cosmopol need to get the new systems implemented during thesecond half of 2011.
The purchaser is using Mercell Sourcing Services for this tender. To notify your interest and get access to any documents, you must copy and paste the link below into the address-part on your browser [[]]. Then choose the relevant tender.

Sista ansökningsdag
Tidsfristen för mottagande av anbud var 2011-06-29. Upphandlingen offentliggjordes den 2011-05-13.

Följande leverantörer nämns i tilldelningsbeslut eller andra upphandlingsdokument:



Datum Dokument
2011-05-13 Meddelande om upphandling
2012-04-24 Meddelande om tilldelning