Leverantör: Statens Serum Institute (SSI)

En arkiverad upphandling

Statens Serum Institute (SSI) har historiskt sett varit en leverantör av hälso- och sjukvård samt socialvård och hälsovårdstjänster.

Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar där leverantören Statens Serum Institute (SSI) nämns

2021-04-30   External Quality Assessment of Molecular Typing of Salmonella, STEC and Listeria (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control)
The scope of this call is the provision of EQA schemes to support molecular typing-enhanced surveillance of Salmonella (Lot 1), STEC (Lot 2) and L. monocytogenes (Lot 3) The overall objectives include: 1) Improve harmonisation of the typing methods and typing capability within the public health laboratories of the EU/EEA and the EU enlargement (candidate and potential candidate) countries; 2) Promote production and submission of high quality molecular typing data to TESSy; 3) Provide support to … Visa upphandlingen »
Nämnda leverantörer: Statens Serum Institute (SSI)
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