Leverantör: Navicom Dynamics Ltd

En arkiverad upphandling

Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar där leverantören Navicom Dynamics Ltd nämns

2016-03-04   Procurement of AIS Wi-Fi pilot plug adaptor (Sjöfartsverket)
The purpose of this procurement is to sign a contract with a supplier that can supply SMA with AIS WiFi pilot plug adaptors. The adaptor shall be connected to the vessels pilot plug. It shall also, through Wi-Fi, be connected to a tablet with a navigation software and work as a stand alone GPS in case of system failure in the ships own navigation system. The adaptor must have a battery capacity of 15 hours minimum and it must be water protected to at least IP-x5. SMA is planning to procure approximately … Visa upphandlingen »
Nämnda leverantörer: Navicom Dynamics Ltd