Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar av underrättelseverksamhet, övervakning, målsökning och spaning (ISTAR) i Sverige
2023-06-07Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) icebreaker Atle (Sjöfartsverket)
A complete stand alone UAS with associated equipment and support such as e.g. sensors, radio link, training and service, for ice reconnaissance from icebreakers.
Object of the procurement
A complete stand alone UAS with associated equipment and support such as e.g. sensors, radio link, training and service, for ice reconnaissance from icebreakers.
The supplier must be able to deliver a complete UAS (unmanned aerial system), (air-vehicle), ground segment including control station, link system, service and …
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:ALTUS LSA COMMERCIAL & MANUFACTURING S.A.
2022-02-28Land based Radar equipment including installation (Sjöfartsverket)
The Swedish Maritime Administration owns a total of 15 landbased radars, which are utilised by our four VTS centres for traffic surveillance. As the radars have a limited Life span, the need has arisen to replace a number of the units currently in service.
Aim of the Procurement
The Swedish Maritime Administration owns a total of 15 landbased radars, which are utilised by our four VTS centres for traffic surveillance. As the radars have a limited Life span, the need has arisen to replace a number of the …
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Kongsberg Norcontrol AS
2021-06-23Online Defence and Security Intelligence Database (Inspektionen för strategiska produkter)
The ISP is looking to procure access to an online defence and security intelligence database. The availability of reliable and up-to-date information on e.g. defence market, defence procurement programs, local and regional capabilities, military intelligence/news and defence equipment (air, sea, land and space) are important to ISP's area of responsibility.
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2020-03-09Racon (Sjöfartsverket)
The Swedish Maritime Administration (hereafter SMA) hereby grants you the opportunity to submit a tender regarding RACON (Radar Beacon).
Aim of the tender
The Swedish Maritime Administration (hereafter SMA) hereby grants you the opportunity to submit a tender regarding RACON (Radar Beacon).
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:Mediterraneo Señales Maritimas S.L.
2014-01-31Leverans och installation av ny radar i Göteborg (Sjöfartsverket)
Leverans, montage, installation av en ny radar för övervakning av området mellan Göta Älvbron och Marieholmsbron. Radarn skall installeras på en 18 meters radarmast belägen på fastigheten Gamlestaden 25:10.
Radarsignalerna ska skickas antingen via fiber eller radiolänk till Sjöfartsverkets VTS-central i Amerikaskjulet.
Signalerna ska sedan presenteras i befintligt Norcontrolsystem med overlay-funktion i kartbilden.
Arbetets totala omfattning framgår av den tekniska kravspecifikation enl. bilaga 2.
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