Procurement of framework agreement regarding OPGW-line

Svenska Kraftnät

Svenska Kraftnät has the intention of sub ordering OPGW-line with all relevant accessories such as fittings, dampers, documentation and adequate technical support at site. The OPGW-line will be installed on both existing lines and on new lines.
Svenska Kraftnät has the last 4 years purchased circa 1 000 km OPGW-line per year. This yearly volume is estimated to be valid for the duration of this framework agreement. The exact volumes may divert significantly in both directions from this estimate. Svenska Kraftnät leaves no guarantees regarding certain volumes.
The present procurement concerns the procurement of OPGW-line, fittings, dampers and documentation.

Sista ansökningsdag
Tidsfristen för mottagande av anbud var 2011-12-09. Upphandlingen offentliggjordes den 2011-11-01.



Datum Dokument
2011-11-01 Meddelande om upphandling