Offentlig upphandling i Sverige
Leverantör: National Food lnstitute, Technical University of Denmark
Leverantör: National Food lnstitute, Technical University of Denmark
En arkiverad upphandling
National Food lnstitute, Technical University of Denmark har historiskt sett varit en leverantör av
hälso- och sjukvård samt socialvård
Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar där leverantören National Food lnstitute, Technical University of Denmark nämns
External Quality Assessment of Performance of Laboratories Participating in European Antimicrobial Resistance...
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
The overall objectives of this call for tender are: 1) to assess the accuracy of quantitative antimicrobial susceptibility test results reported by participating individual laboratories; 2) to evaluate the overall comparability of routinely collected test results between laboratories and EU/EEA Member States. The EQA exercise should provide important information on performance of EARS-Net participating laboratories and comparability of the reported test results between laboratories and countries.
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National Food lnstitute, Technical...
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Hälso- och sjukvård samt socialvård