Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar där leverantören M Squared Lasers Ltd nämns
2019-12-20Light Sheet Microscope (Lunds universitet)
Lund University Bioimaging Centre (referred to below as LBIC) offers researchers a wide range of advanced light microscopy techniques: widefield, confocal and super resolution. However, none of these techniques allows fast imaging of large volumes. Light sheet imaging fulfils this function with the added advantage that one gets high spatiotemporal resolution and much lower phototoxicity than when using for example a confocal microscope, this is favorable for live-imaging. Therefore, LBIC will …
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2019-08-23Tunable Laser (RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB)
RISE invites you to participate in our procurement of a tuneable laser. The tunable laser is intended to be used for calibration of the responsivity of optical detectors as well as for various research project purposes where an optical beam of high quality and/or high power and/or certain (variable) wavelength is required.
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:M Squared Lasers Ltd
2018-04-16Light sheet microscope (Karolinska Institutet)
Light sheet microscope:
Karolinska Institutet, hereinafter called KI, invites companies, hereinafter called the Applicants, to apply for participation for the first part of the procurement process Negotiated procedure with prior publication, concerning a Light sheet microscope with platform-specific accessories, service, support, upgrades and updates.
The signed agreement is to be used by KI, hereinafter called the Person / Office making a call-off order.
Visa upphandlingen » Nämnda leverantörer:M Squared Lasers Ltd