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Leverantör: Health Protection Agency
Leverantör: Health Protection Agency
4 arkiverade upphandlingar
Health Protection Agency har historiskt sett varit en leverantör av
hälso- och sjukvård samt socialvård
Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar där leverantören Health Protection Agency nämns
Laboratory support for surveillance of human influenza at European level
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
The objective of this tender is to maintain and to provide further support to a well-functioning EU reference laboratory network that builds on and synergises with activities covered by other supranational/global initiatives, with the capacity to serve and support EU MSs and the European region.
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Nämnda leverantörer:
Health Protection Agency
Development of methods and tools for appraisal of laboratory capabilities for European surveillance of communicable diseases
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
To better define what is sufficient EU laboratory capacity and which ECDC capacity building targets will bring maximal public health benefits and EU added value, definitions of laboratory functions and systematic methods of appraising capability levels should be developed. The current tender will focus on the development of methods and tools for appraisal of laboratory capacity and capabilities for European surveillance of communicable diseases and alert for emerging infections. Such an appraisal system …
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Nämnda leverantörer:
Health Protection Agency
Systematic review and expert guidance on the public health effectiveness of molecular typing of bacterial pathogens
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
The overall goal of this contract is to provide a summary of evidence for the public health benefits of molecular typing of human bacterial pathogens and develop evidence-based guidance for selecting human bacterial pathogens and typing methods to be considered for inclusion into EU level surveillance systems.
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Nämnda leverantörer:
Health Protection Agency
Systematic review and expert guidance on the public health effectiveness of molecular typing of viral pathogens
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
The overall goal of this contract is to provide a summary of evidence for the public health benefits of molecular typing of human viral pathogens and develop evidence-based guidance for selecting human viral pathogens and typing methods to be considered for inclusion into EU level surveillance systems.
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Nämnda leverantörer:
Health Protection Agency
Relaterade sökningar
Hälso- och sjukvård samt socialvård