Upphandlingar: Svenska Afghanistankommittén

6 arkiverade upphandlingar

Svenska Afghanistankommittén har historiskt sett varit en köpare av foU-tjänster samt tillhörande konsulttjänster, planering och genomförande av forskning och utveckling och foU-rådgivning.

Nyligen genomförda upphandlingar av Svenska Afghanistankommittén

2012-03-26   Northern rural development project (Svenska Afghanistankommittén)
The overall purpose of the evaluation is to assess the results of the Northern rural project (NRP) midway through project implementation and to provide advice on improvements. The overall objective of NRP is to strengthen rural civil society by means of community mobilization and short-term financing on development projects of their own choosing. NRP contributes to the development of 5 districts in the northern region of Afghanistan. Visa upphandlingen »
2012-03-26   Model schools (Svenska Afghanistankommittén)
Review the Model Schools in the light of original concepts and to see how effective they are. Determine if there is an ongoing need for MS in the light of Government's new initiatives. Explore the possibilities of increasing both government ownership and responsibilities by developing the MS as Resource Centres. Explore alternative roles (if any) for the model schools. Visa upphandlingen »
2012-03-14   Teacher training evaluation (Svenska Afghanistankommittén)
The questions to be responded in this evaluation are to what extent is the teacher training having an impact on the learning of students and whether the learning environment has changed and become vibrant as a result of the training exercise? There are other questions regarding the quality of training and trainers and how far the present mode of training is addressing the teachers? deficiencies realistically. Visa upphandlingen »
2012-03-12   Analyses of Environmental Situation in Health programme (Svenska Afghanistankommittén)
In 2009, SCA conducted an external environmental situation analysis (ESA) of all its operations in Afghanistan. For reasons of limited time and the inaccessibility of many health clinics at the time, SCA?s Health Programme was not covered by this ESA. This environmental situation analysis (ESA) of SCA?s Health Programme is intended to supplement and complete the work carried out in the 2009 analysis and, in particular, to provide practical recommendations to the Health Programme. Visa upphandlingen »
2012-03-09   Analyses of environmental situation in health programme (Svenska Afghanistankommittén)
In 2009, SCA conducted an external environmental situation analysis (ESA) of all its operations in Afghanistan. For reasons of limited time and the inaccessibility of many health clinics at the time, SCA?s health programme was not covered by this ESA. This environmental situation analysis (ESA) of SCA?s health programme is intended to supplement and complete the work carried out in the 2009 analysis and, in particular, to provide practical recommendations to the health programme. Visa upphandlingen »
2012-01-17   Environmental health analysis (Svenska Afghanistankommittén)
In 2009, SCA conducted an external environmental situation analysis (ESA). SCA?s Health Programme was not covered by this ESA. This environmental situation analysis is intended to supplement and complete the work carried out in the 2009 analysis. Visa upphandlingen »